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Gettysburg: The First Day - June 2025

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Pre-Order Pledge
How the Pre-Order process works.

1) Sign up to the pre-order email subscription list by completing the pre-order pledge form to the left. You will need to provide the information listed on the form. You will not be asked to provide any Credit Card information.

2) You will receive and email from us asking you to confirm that you wish to pre-order. You must confirm your pre-order through the email.

3) You will receive a final confirming email that you have successfully subscribed. 

4) Once your pre-order is confirmed. You will be able to modify your pre-order by going to the confirmation email that was sent or by completing the pre-order form again.

5) When the game is ready for shipping you will receive an email notification.

6) Follow the link in the email to our Payment Page (it also contains check/money order payment instructions).

7) Add one or more copies of the game to your cart and be sure to check out exclusive "Pre-Order Specials".